We Take Time to Slow Down in School Zones Educational Campaign Sign Up

The We Take Time to Slow Down in School Zones Educational Campaign is part of a multi-year outreach campaign aimed to help improve the safety of children and families who walk and bike to school, parks, businesses, and other community based facilities. 

    School Name (required)

    School District (required)

    Contact Name (required)

    Contact Title

    Email (required)

    How many banners would you like to receive? (required)

    How many yard signs would you like to receive?(required)

    How many posters would you like to receive?(required)

    The Safe Routes to School staff can provide several engagement materials for this educational campaign. Please select the materials you would be interested in receiving.

    If your school would like to receive materials in other languages, please indicate which language(s) will be most beneficial.

    Is your school interested in participating in the student video contest?

    Is your school interested in partnering with the Safe Routes to School staff to evaluate the effectiveness of the educational campaign in your community? We are looking for at least one urban and one rural school to partner with.

    If we are able to conduct media interviews, would your school be interested in being interviewed?

    Enter the code above: