Built Environment and Active Transportation Survey

Built Environment and Active Transportation to and from School Study

Wisconsin Department of Transportation Logo
The East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (ECWRPC) is conducting a study to examine the relationships between the built environment and active transportation safety for children and youth traveling to school across multiple communities in the region.

The built environment encompasses a wide range of human-made structures and spaces where people live, work and relax. Working in collaboration with the region’s school districts, Read Elementary School, Oakwood Elementary School, Bonduel Elementary School and Neenah High School were chosen as four case study schools in the region.

Your input is essential for understanding both the real and perceived barriers to safe student transportation. These include concerns about students’ ability to walk or bike to school, the region’s capacity to maintain good air quality and manage traffic congestion in school zones, and, overall, providing safe access to and from our K-12 educational facilities.

This survey can typically be completed in 10 minutes. All responses will be aggregated by school impact area and no individuals, or their responses, will be identified.

On behalf of the ECWRPC, we appreciate your time and assistance.